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Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies 서울대학교 규장각 한국학 연구원

General Guidelines

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  2. Submission Guidelines
  3. General Guidelines
SJKS welcomes submissions from scholars of all disciplines doing work specifically pertaining to Korea. However, special attention is paid to the criteria outlined in the editorial policy. All scholars interested in submitting are therefore strongly urged to take a look at previous issues and the above mission statement to ensure that their contribution fits the journal’s character. Also, all submissions should be original research: that is, the majority of the contents and the main conclusions should not have been published in any form or language elsewhere, nor should the article be under review elsewhere at the time of submission.
Submission Procedures and Format

All submissions should be sent as MS Word files in attachment to seoul.journal@gmail.com.

They must contain a title page, an abstract page, and the article proper. The title page should contain the title of the article, the author’s name, affiliation, status, and full contact details (e-mail, address, and telephone number). Authors should notify the editors as soon as possible should any of this information change. The title page should also contain a statement to the effect that the article contains original research not published, or under consideration for publication, elsewhere. If significant parts have been published elsewhere, the author should provide a brief explanation as to the reasons for reworking that material. The abstract should contain a half page summary (250 words) of the article, including five keywords. The first page of the article proper should have the title only.

There is no submission deadline; all contributions will appear in order of the first submission date in the first available issue. The average time from submission to publication is about ten months. Please contact the editorial staff for information on the backlog of submissions.


Submissions must be between 6,000 and 15,000 words in length, based on the word count function in MS Word: notes and bibliography are therefore also included in the word count. All pages of the article proper must be numbered.


The use of tables and figures within the text is permissible. All labeling and citations must follow the guidelines given in the Chicago Manual of Style. All figures (tables, pictures, diagrams, etc.) should be submitted as separate files and may not be inserted in the manuscript itself. Obtaining permission to reproduce images is the responsibility of the author.


All submitted articles must arrive in publishable English; SJKS will not be responsible for translations or major editing. Regardless of the quality and originality of the research, the editors reserve the right to refuse articles that have major English language issues. Once accepted, articles will undergo standard copy editing by the journal’s editing staff. Substantial corrections will be submitted to the authors for final approval, but minor revisions concerning style or citation may be undertaken without the author’s explicit consent.

Evaluation Procedure
Submissions that pass the first round of editorial review will be sent out for double-blind peer review by two (or more) reviewers. Submissions are graded into four categories: publishable, publishable with further revision, re-submittable after further revision, and rejected. If the paper is adjudged to be re-submittable after further revision, only one revision will be allowed. If the second attempt does not result in either of the first two categories, the article will be automatically rejected.