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Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies 서울대학교 규장각 한국학 연구원

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Current Issue
Vol / No Title Author Date Download
Vol.23 / No.1 Parhae’s Maritime Routes to Japan in the Eighth Century Kim Changseok 2015.12.18 654 Download
Vol.23 / No.1 The Merit of Not Making Merit: Buddhism and the Late Koryŏ Fiscal Crisis Ahn Juhn Y. 2015.12.18 702 Download
Vol.23 / No.1 Meeting the World through Eighteenth-Century Yŏnhaeng Jung Jae-Hoon 2015.12.18 865 Download
Vol.23 / No.1 Convention and Innovation: The Lives and Cultural Legacy of the Kisaeng in Colonial Korea (1910-1945) Lee Insuk 2015.12.18 2,013 Download
Vol.23 / No.1 Socialism, the National Question, and East Asia in Colonial Korea: 1937-1945 Kim Keongil 2015.12.18 560 Download
Vol.23 / No.1 Marching to a Different Beat: Existentialist Themes in Yi Munyŏl’s Debut Novella, Saeha’gok Michael Finch 2015.12.18 751 Download