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Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies 서울대학교 규장각 한국학 연구원

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Current Issue
Vol / No Title Author Date Download
Vol.22 / No.1 Compositional Changes of Economic Policymakers and New Economic Discourses in the 1970s and 80s Pak Tae-Gyun 2015.12.18 396 Download
Vol.22 / No.1 Reinventing Female Identity: A Brief History of Korean Buddhist Nuns Cho Eun-su 2015.12.18 1,707 Download
Vol.22 / No.1 Tasan’s Choice: Yi Yin or Yan Yuan? Kim Hongkyung 2015.12.18 359 Download
Vol.22 / No.1 Paradise Found. Recovery and Redemption in Yi Hyoseok’s Later Literature Steven D. Capener 2015.12.18 484 Download