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Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies 서울대학교 규장각 한국학 연구원

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Current Issue
Vol / No Title Author Date Download
Vol.19 / No.1 Managing the "Foreign" and "Domestic": Kilsoo Haan, Korean Diasporic Nationalism and the U.S. Liberal State, 1931-1945 Richard Kim 2015.12.18 398 Download
Vol.19 / No.1 Yi Hung-gu's Agricultural Reform Theory and Nationalist Economic Thought Pang Kie-chung 2015.12.18 558 Download
Vol.19 / No.1 Performative Ethnicities: Culture and Class in 1930s Colonial Korea Jin-kyung Lee 2015.12.18 972 Download
Vol.19 / No.1 The Literary Works of Kim Nam-ch'on: "Overcoming the Modern," Waste, and Venice Kim Chul 2015.12.18 498 Download
Vol.19 / No.1 Yi Kwang-su and the Endorsement of State Power Park Chan-seung 2015.12.18 622 Download