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Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies 서울대학교 규장각 한국학 연구원

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Current Issue
Vol / No Title Author Date Download
Vol.29 / No.2 Shifting Political, Legal, and Institutional Borderlines between Koryŏ and the Mongol Yuan Empire Lee Kang Hahn 2017.01.11 634 Download
Vol.29 / No.2 Colonial Korea’s First Participation in the Olympic Games (1932) Lee Seok 2017.01.11 497 Download
Vol.29 / No.2 Smoking for Empire: The Production and Consumption of Tobacco in Colonial Korea, 1910–1945 Michael Kim 2017.01.11 404 Download
Vol.29 / No.2 Post-Cold War Conservative Reappraisals of Syngman Rhee: Neoliberalism and the New Right Keiran Macrae 2017.01.11 451 Download
Vol.29 / No.2 Special essay: Relations between Ancient Korea and Turkey: An Examination of Contacts between Koguryŏ and the Turkic Khaganate Noh Tae-Don 2017.01.11 695 Download