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Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies 서울대학교 규장각 한국학 연구원

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Current Issue
Vol / No Title Author Date Download
Vol.30 / No.2 Note from the editor Sem Vermeersch 2018.04.09 1,025 Download
Vol.30 / No.2 Korean Geomancy from the Tenth through the Twentieth Centuries: Changes and Continuities Jang Jiyeon 2018.04.09 362 Download
Vol.30 / No.2 Re-thinking Married Bhikṣu: Examination of Bhikṣu Ordinations and Clerical Marriage in 1920s Korean Buddhism Park Jeongeun 2018.04.09 283 Download
Vol.30 / No.2 The Modern City from Imperial and Colonial Eyes: Focusing on Yokomitsu Riichi’s Shanghai (1932) and Kim Kirim’s The Weather Map (1936) Kim Han Sung 2018.04.09 274 Download
Vol.30 / No.2 Beyond Patron and Client: Historicizing the Dialectics of US-ROK Relations amid Park Chung Hee’s Independent Defense Industry Development in South Korea, 1968–1979 Peter Banseok Kwon 2018.04.09 351 Download
Vol.30 / No.2 Korean Protestantism in the Age of “Surplus of Positivity:” A Socio-cultural Analysis of Church Defaults in South Korea Choe Yong Un 2018.04.09 278 Download
Vol.30 / No.2 Gender Issues in Contemporary Won Buddhism: Focusing on the Status of Female Clerics Kim SungSoon 2018.04.09 299 Download
Vol.30 / No.2 Book notes Lim Jongtae, Benjamin Katzeff Silverstein 2018.04.09 313 Download