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Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies 서울대학교 규장각 한국학 연구원

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Current Issue
Vol / No Title Author Date Download
Vol.31 / No.2 Note from the editor Sem Vermeersch 2019.01.10 465 Download
Vol.31 / No.2 Beyond the Discourse of Practical Learning: Rethinking Choson Intellectual History in a Broader Context Kanghun Ahn 2019.01.10 361 Download
Vol.31 / No.2 Specialization and Status: Late Choson Period Magistrates on the Northern Border, 1623-1894 Alexander Martin 2019.01.10 289 Download
Vol.31 / No.2 Korean War Records and Research Trends in Turkey Nan A Lee 2019.01.10 294 Download
Vol.31 / No.2 View of the Soul in the Jeju Shamanistic Religion as Evident in the Neokdeurim Ritual Yohan Yoo 2019.01.10 267 Download
Vol.31 / No.2 Queer Experimental Writing in Korean Literature of the 2010s Hyonhui Choe 2019.01.10 261 Download
Vol.31 / No.2 Review Article: South Korean Youth Activism in the Longue Duree Nan Kim 2019.01.10 261 Download
Vol.31 / No.2 Book notes Sem Vermeersch, Russell Burge, Yee Ji Sun 2019.01.10 278 Download