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Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies 서울대학교 규장각 한국학 연구원

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Current Issue
Vol / No Title Author Date Download
Vol.34 / No.1 Note from the Editor Sem Vermeersch 2021.07.09 316 Download
Vol.34 / No.1 All Are the Ruler’s Domain, but All Are Different: Mongol-Yuan Rule and Koryŏ Sovereignty in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries King Kwong WONG 2021.07.09 242 Download
Vol.34 / No.1 Dealing with Uncertainty: Divination During the Imjin War (1592–1598) as Recorded in O Huimun’s Swaemirok Michael C. E. FINCH 2021.07.09 206 Download
Vol.34 / No.1 The State Celebration Examination and the Civil Service Examination System in the Late Chosŏn Period Hyun Soon PARK 2021.07.09 196 Download
Vol.34 / No.1 Community, Outsider, and Literature: Memorial Stones for Stone Bridges of the Chosŏn Dynasty and “The Epigraph of Kwangnigyo” Kyusik SIM 2021.07.09 166 Download
Vol.34 / No.1 The “Bunce Plan” and the Aborted Land Reform of 1946 Il-Young JUNG 2021.07.09 178 Download
Vol.34 / No.1 The Perfect Man: The Ideal Imaginary Beauty of K-pop Idols for Chilean Fans Wonjung MIN 2021.07.09 269 Download
Vol.34 / No.1 [Materials in Translation] The Fantasy Garden in East Asian Tradition: A Case Study of a Garden Record in Seo Yugu’s Treatises on Rural Living Hui ZOU and Myengsoo SEO 2021.07.09 176 Download
Vol.34 / No.1 [Booknotes] Efficacious Underworld: The Evolution of Ten Kings Paintings in Medieval China and Korea by Cheeyun Lilian Kwon. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2019. viii, 211 pp. Sem Vermeersch 2021.07.09 190 Download
Vol.34 / No.1 [Booknotes] The Power of the Brush: Epistolary Practices in Choso ̆n Korea by Hwisang Cho. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2020. 276 pp. Suyoung Son 2021.07.09 178 Download
Vol.34 / No.1 [Booknotes] Seeds of Control: Japan’s Empire of Forestry in Colonial Korea by David Fedman. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2020. 320 pp. Wybe Kuitert 2021.07.09 180 Download