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Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies 서울대학교 규장각 한국학 연구원

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Current Issue
Vol / No Title Author Date Download
Vol.25 / No.2 The Filial Daughter of Kwaksan: Finger Severing, Confucian Virtues, and Envoy Poetry Wang Sixiang 2015.12.16 369 Download
Vol.25 / No.2 The Social and Cultural Presence of Buddhism in the Lives of Confucian Literati in Late Chosŏn: The Case of Tasan Kim Daeyeol 2015.12.16 523 Download
Vol.25 / No.2 An Analysis of the Debate over Conscientious Objection in Korea Moon Soo-Hyun 2015.12.16 391 Download
Vol.25 / No.2 Alternative Narratives of the 1980s South Korean Labor Movement: Worker Identities in the “Worker-Student Alliance” Kim Keongil and Nam Hwasook 2015.12.16 447 Download